She began speeding down this road at a million miles per hour, blindfolded, a smile on her face and definitely in the wrong direction.
So imagine her disdain when the obstacle cut short her fairy tale ride and the last sound she ever heard was her cry...
She had her hands on the controls and everything seemed right so she could afford to shut her eyes and enjoy the ride because everybody else who had tried it before her said it was alright and besides everybody else was doing it now so why contrive? 'What worked for them should definitely work in my different way for me',
So be it the freeway or the highway, she was definitely bound to end up this way anyway
You can imagine the way that smile was immediately turned upside down....
No no literally turned upside down because her head on collision with deception and betrayal, hurt and disappointment, crashed into the ill placed curb of destruction, all painted up by a black and white track called lust was one so strong that she tumbled over and over again until she hit the ground so hard she began to doubt the very possibility of surviving such a deadly thrust simply because she didn't see the red tall sign that read STOP.
So there she lay, on a bloodied road named Guilt, dying a death another already did, trying to pay for a life already paid for, she was what you may call Lost...
If only she would choose to open her eyes, like judas she may fail to see that indeed she can live.
She didn't have to hang from a roap because He already hung from a tree... A Calvary of sorrows in exchange for her joy you see she will no longer be Lost or even worse condemned.
Because where the sting of death ended was farr from where the mark of Christ started infact it was non negotiable when Him who is Life held the keys to her eternal hell and choose to set her free.
She must realise that like a corpse laid dead for four days a word spoken from the very lips of creation was able to rejerk a pulse so cold and far spent, regenerate a heart so used and wasted and turn a pot of clay into a vessel of Gold... She must choose to realise that she has only arrived at the CROSSroad where Grace and mercy meet.
First she must open her eyes...


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