'You are altogether beautiful, my love;
 there is no flaw in you'
 Songs of Solomon 4:7 ESV 
 I See a Great deal of my sisters today,
Looking for approval trying to get ahead,
I see a multitude of our daughters today,
Desperately trying to find favour in the eyes of men,
I see a number of our mother's today and tomorrow,
Consciously or unconsciously dragging royalty on the floor,
These princesses in rags, 
When will you put on your sparkling crown.
Beauty is only skin deep... 
It's all vanity, only deceit....
When you learn to cover up, you are sitting at the lords feet...
You are priceless than rubies, second to non...
‎Let anyone looking for your heart seek Him to find it...
Exorbitant standards, immense respect‎ , 
Becoming a God man just to know your name, there is nothing wrong with that.
Not enticed by words but discerning deep into the intentions of hearts 
Woman you have the power.
So get out of the mud, and shake off that dust...
My darling, my love you are more than Lust.


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