FASHION PERSONALITY: A little something on the psychology of fashion.

''He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed...''
- Proverbs 22:9a

So I have decided to take up an issue that has been bugging everyone, and since no one will talk about it, I will say what people are thinking as usual... it's the case of 'fashion pressure'.

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
                                                                               -Coco Chanel
    Yes! We are a playful generation. There are lots of new styles of dressing, fashion statements here and there screaming for our attention. Oh and there are the Trends, how can I forget the trends; hash tag moments and immense desires to impress with every selfie.

 But amidst all this 'thirst' and 'struggle' I would say 'hold up!' lets go back to the basics and you know, reason together.

As our faces are different so are our personalities and oh yes tastes in fashion; and these days more and more people are growing comfortable and learning to embrace their own unique style. From the kinky puffs to full wooly fringed wigs (you're spot on if Moonshine , ), adire shorts and Ankara co operate outfits people are actually starting to get it! 

Be that as it may, Fashion Personality still plays a vital role in how we pop! in this fast growing Afrocentric culture of ours. Infact personality should be the plum line that determines what a person should and should not wear! (I am laughing hard now, guess why,)

Anyway, there is a psychology to fashion and even though I  agree that I  live in a highly opinionated society now I will still take my chances and drop my very own homemade opinion like fresh cookies out of the oven, (we can all scatter the comments section later.)

Without further ado, here's the jumbo, death by chocolate cookie,
 Let's be honest, at least one person popped into your mind when you read the title "Bold and Daring". 
Perhaps a loud and exciting friend of yours or a colleague at work.  People with bold and daring character, should stay away from all round bold and daring clothes. 

N.B. The emphasis is laid on both 'BOLD' and 'DARING'. 

Now this can be a little bit tricky because bold and daring people could be tempted to say 'You know what? I can pull off that bright red dress with the gold shiny shoes and a super huge hat with a big yellow daisy on top' at a wedding.  Well first of all, there is no need playing truth or dare with a bold and daring person, he/she will call your bluff. When they do, clothes will be screaming, personality will be glaring, socializing, talking, you know generally doing what bold people do. Its not so much of a disaster but its can be better.

So here is the catch, if you are not a 'go-go' dancer that popped out from the 70's, be selective when it comes to loud fashion statements. Unless of course it's a costume party and you're dressed as 'The Rainbow' then carry on...

So what on earth should a bold and daring person wear?

Good question;
-  Cool and creatively colored/patterned  pieces should be the ideal fashion for bold and daring people. Hot splashes of color like red, yellow, gold, and lemon green should not be all mixed up in a single outfit.

Here's a Helpful tip: A bold and daring person can pick one color like hot yellow and tone it down with more neutral colors like black, white or silver accessories. 
- Heavily patterned bottoms can be complimented with a very simple monochrome piece at the top. This would enable style and personality blend and definitely give off good vibes for a lasting and unforgettable impressions.

When a bold and daring personality is obvious and the fashion style is mature and toned down nicely, its easier to accommodate and does not come off as lousy.
- If you are Bold and Daring, bubbly, and the all round life of the party!, understanding your personality and combining with appropriate clothes can make all the difference. 


 Mmmmmmm.. Now this is the personality that the ladies love... well sort of. Plus there definitely are calm and collected ladies too so it goes both ways. 

This personality is not so outspoken, usually quiet and observant, hardly the type to start a conversation in a chatty group of people. 

Because of the nature of this personality, it is very common for those under this category to want to be invisible most of the time. A calm and collected person will not like to wear clothes that are too brightly colored. Simple fashion that doesn't make look so obvious would most likely be the best bet for anyone with this fashion personality. 

This however is not so good. Cool and calm people have lots of ideas and things to offer but most times they are not noticed because their fashion is drab and monochrome. Cool and collected people can maintain their neutral colors but be carefree about adding fun and exciting detail to it. 

Here's a helpful Tip: Instead of picking a plain white shirt, pick a white shirt with colored buttons, sleeves and cuffs! This subtly draws needed attention and does not come off as lousy or too obvious it also helps you maintain exquisite style. 

- Ladies can pair a black dress for instance with very colourful accessories. Bright colors, Creative patterns and elaborate fashion statements will definitely suit a calm and collected person making you stand out without even saying a word.
Ohh yes they do exist! People who just love to wear crazy fashion pieces. Yup! Just like lady gaga. Don't blame them though, it's really trendy to be razz now adays... But please razz and edgy fashionista's, don't overdo it! Wearing a pair of crazy jeans is enough razz for one look, you don't need to pair it with a crazy top and a scarf looking like a pirate and stuff no.... 
There are ways to add razz fashion to your outfit without coming off as insane... 

Here's a helpful Tip: the key is simple 'Tone down the crazy!' For instance, pair crazy cut jeans with a clean tee- shirts or nicely tailored blouses and tops with sparring accessories.

If your top has cuts and slashes at the back, wear a camisole inside, you don't want people thinking you fought with a tiger or had a duel with a pair of scissors, Because crazy fashion has a way of looking like ''Do it yourself'' (DIY) fashion. 

- Maintain the authenticity by adding serious accessories to your fashion like bunchy necklaces or very bold but few bangles.  A black purse also goes very well with ripped clothing. Regardless of the colors you might be wearing, you can still look classy, fun and give off the right vibes while you're at it.
Dressing modestly and classy never goes out of style... #StayInspired

Photo Credits: Google galleries
Jlm Couture

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Unknown said…
It doesn't matter what you're doing, just look good doing it...look fab All day, everyday.

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