De' Test.

I want you to stay, but I have to let you go,

I want you to come back, but my spirit tells me no,

It's telling me we're no good, it's bad for our souls,
I want you to be here, just within my gaze,
To sit with you and share my thoughts, to laugh with you and bare my flaws, to hear you sing to me and my every fear breach.

Why can't you be the man of my dreams... The one who seeks only to protect me. To see me smile and buy me good things. The one who will give me space to love God, he would say 'I know your His, so I wouldn't interfere'...
Lord why does truth uncover so much truth? Why do we start to see exactly what we dread? How incapable we are, of Loving on our own. It's so alarming how tainted we can be. 

Hideous wounds concealed with cloaks of pieteous pretence. It happens to you too, don't look at me that way. We all have scabs, including the ones that are partner induced. Like see my wounds now please lick them with me, it's murky and Low yet with regret and frowned faces we celebrate it,....

The things we hate outside but dine with.......... In secret. 


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