Getting Over Break Ups...

      Break ups happen. In whatever form they come, they tend to hurt. But they are an inevitable part of life. It's important to know how to deal with them without harbouring unnecessary bitterness after.


You hardly get over it, trust me you don't. Okay maybe you do but certainly not as fast as you'd like to, (Come on you know what goes down when your alone in your cry zone). 
 You keep asking: Why can't this one time be different? Well maybe we just can't learn this lesson enough. We probably need to go from stage to stage only to realise that the latter is actually worse than the former. 
 The truth is there are dieing moments where you pretty much just want to die. But then why? Why do you have to die for something that came and met you with breath.
I mean it's not like you were lifeless and it miraculously 'jerked you back to life' no! It was infact an addition to the greatness you already had so why should it's departure leave you any less or its presence make you feel or think any more than you already are... 
It's like swallowing orange seeds and expecting them to grow on your head so you can be more of an orange you just ate, that my friend is very weird. 
  So why don't you just Change The Picture.
I know that all you see in that moment is what is and what could have been and even worse is the picture you see of what will never be, but the fact remains that as long as there is life in you, you would always continue to see, so why wouldn't you just Change the Picture. 
Put some other vision in front of you and move towards it because the past was beautiful and the future is amazing but you can never know this if you don't change what you saw by creating a new scene... So please change the picture.
 Trust me, you have not resisted these things to the point of bleeding and yes you cried your eyes out, chest heaving, tears streaming but as long as your heart and veins are still beating you definitely will find a legit reason to Change the picture before you. 
How? I'd tell you how; Set your pain below the pains of another. Find out what has hurt a friend, a stranger,a brother, sister or mother and with all the brokeness you can muster choose to carelessly be a blessing to that new picture. You see? You are stronger, even you are stronger than your greatest weakness. 


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