What does it really mean to be happy?
I mean people don't sit down to think about what really makes them happy.
I believe that the reason why people believe that money, fame and power are the sources of happiness is because from time, we have been made to believe that those who do not have these three things are not worthy enough to be seen as people that are important. So we are left in a world full of individuals busy trying to be famous, obtain power and make money and they forget the little things that bring lasting joy, inner peace and true happiness.
To me being happy is a whole lot different from what people may think.

For me, happiness is built with moments. If only you can sit back and pick up a picture you took with a loved one, look at it and try to re live the moment, you would realise how much happiness it brought to you and how much more it can bring even now.

For me, happiness is seeing the smile on the face of the poor street child you just helped out, or seeing the gratitude in the eyes of the old lady you just helped across the street.

For me happiness is seeing my mates become better people in life, its seeing the pride that I give my parents when I do a job well.
Happiness is seeing someone that is broken and giving that person a reason to smile. Its the laughter of my friends and family that does not leave my head when I lay in bed at night thanking God for another day that has passed.

For me, happiness is being able to help a friend in need even if all I have is what is needed.

For me, happiness was and is every single time I made an effortless effort to make someone smile and all I felt was joy because that's exactly what being happy is about.
Its the things that last when everything else is gone. The good, bad and healing moments that eventually brought people together. Its saying 'I love you' and meaning it.

To me true happiness does not consist of the things we can acquire here and now, its what we can hold on to not with our hands but with our heart.
To me happiness comes in that very moment where there is a smile on your face tears in your eyes and you can swear you feel your heart smiling too.

To me, true happiness is satisfying, it comes from the inside out never the other way around.
True happiness comes in that moment where you thought you'd never make it at something but you did and everything you did from that moment on made sense because in that moment you were a hero not just for the world but for yourself.
The memory never leaves...


Anonymous said…
@kachi: thought provoking piece. simple yet precise.
Anonymous said…
Indeed it gives you something to think about.
Mama said…
Lovely darlin, you captured the true meaning of happiness here its amazing.

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