Returning to our root is the most important journey of life. The place where we carefully look inward daily and receive a permanent change, a change that can only come from the most sincere core of our being. 

We all must seek to know God, the one who makes things work without human consent, without our permission. 

Our Divine Centre the source of all creation whose existence and faithfulness cannot easily be denied. 

The importance of this turning in, far supercedes our knowledge ( gnosis) of right and wrong, good and evil, history and name calling, revelations of men and sojourners of relative truths, For all these things are but factors in our pursuit merely because of the human senses.  What we see, feel, smell, taste or perceive to be ideal. 

But consider a man born deaf, blind and mute with no feeling on his fingertips, a man locked out of this physical world, in it, yet devoid of its infiltration, shall he too not have the privilege of finding His Maker within? Surely God is not unjust, for such a man will find Yahweh without ever having to rely on definitions of society, culture, assertions and self. 

For Adonai is NOT Religion.

The real life is the one within. The one unseen. Where such a man though he be in the world finds he is locked out from it, he will become subject to the real life he sees and in it he would either find Perfect peace, or turmoil and disease. For God is not unjust, HE will never take a man for Himself devoid of Shuv ( A conscious choice. a turn/ answer to the call of His Love).

To dwell on the frailty of this existence, savouring its empty promises and hoping in vain glory is to remain subject to the human senses.  Like the four elements of the earth are strong but without the fifth, their true potential can never be realised, so also the answer to Yahwehs inward call is for one reason alone, a journey to know the fifth. A journey to know Grace. 

Grace to grow, grace to love, grace to continually shun outward circumstances and believe.

To find Him, this pearl of great price is where death ends and life for man begins. But it all starts with a searching soul,

As the deer pants for the water, the soul must lung for Him.

For desire, a burning hunger that cannot be satisfied with anything but Him is the beginning of the journey. 

Never the less, in the physical realm, the soul must constantly set its lungings on the eternal, for only spirit with spirit can meet. 

True desire begets surrender

 No sooner than when the soul hungers and thirsts after righteousness from the very depths within ( Christ the living spring) , he begins to see that there is so much more he can do without. 

There is a powerful pull within, a gnawing for oneness, an intercourse with Divinity Himself. The purest of Depths calling to depth. 

Surrender will beget power. The three fold chord of the Divine that cannot be broken for all eternity. There is power in the alignment of Spirit, Soul and Body. Only He is Spirit. He is the life of man. 

This is the salvation of man. 

Not his ability to enter realms beyond his five senses, but the privilege of recognising true Light. 

From here onward to eternity, omnipotence takes over, causing fruitful multiplication of true Light! 

He shall bring forth sons (epignosis), not only in His Image but after His Likeness. 

And the Truth of His Light will arise and do what Light does best.  Shine!


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