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"You are like the first slice of bread everybody touches you but nobody wants you" -Anonymous
Truth is, unlike this individual, I particularly enjoy the first slice of bread because it is usually more browned compared to the other slices and its crusty back serves as a nice covering on my sandwich. But that's just me, my preference, my likes, my opinion, my choice. I am the difference when it comes to the theory of the first slice of bread. And I want to believe that I am not the only one like me. But even if I am, I do not mind being the only different one in the world. Just because you have been promised so much by people and later abandoned by them, does not mean that you would never be wanted. You probably have been touched and rejected by many. But trust me there are people who choose what no one appreciates. Like me, there are people who see the good and relevance in everything that has been rejected. Just like the first slice of bread, you may have been born into a situation of helplessness, without a choice but trust me you are somebody's choice. Guard yourself from now on because finally you know that you are special, now you know that you can make someone genuinely happy, now you know that you have a reason to live. Now that you know that you are worth loving. Its funny anyway because the theory reminds me of someone who died about 2000 yrs ago. He was touched by many, a blessing to thousands. He was only appreciated because he could cater to the needs of the people. He was like the first slice of bread, people only touched him to receive the blessings, miracles and the food. In the end, the same people he gave breath used it to curse Him. And the hands he touched and healed countless times were the same hands that dragged him to calvary. But now the stone that was rejected has become the chief corner stone. Need I say more? So take heart, no matter how unwanted you may feel now, Have hope because no matter what you have gone through, you are very much wanted by someone who died to know you.
Good one #ShonaRay, #Grace!